Frequently Asked Questions
Are you having problems using the course portal? Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions, divided by topic.

Photo: Aksel Gjermstad, Bane NOR
On this page:
Log in to Bane NOR's course portal
In the course portal you will find all current courses, and you can register for the right course yourself.
Registration for the first time
I am a new external user at Bane NOR and Bane NOR Jernbaneskolen. How do I create a user account in the course portal?
If you are a new external user, you can register a new account via our course portal .(opens in a new tab)
You get three choices:
- Select "Free e-learning" if you are here exclusively for Bane NOR's safety course or other free courses.
- Select "Full course catalogue" to access the entire course catalogue (e.g., if you are attending more than one course at Bane NOR Jernbaneskolen)
- Select "Train Driver" if you need train driver training.
Remember, you must have a HMS card and national identity number or D number to register a user. D number must be arranged by your employer.
Log in to the course portal via “Banenettet” and click on the "Driv" tab at the top of the website.
Can't find your company when you try to create a user?
Send an e-mail with the following information to
- Organization number
- Company name
- Invoice address if this is not the same as the company address in the Brønnøysund register
- E-mail address for receipt of invoices if the company is not registered in ELMA
- Contact person
I do not have an HMS card. Where do I get it?
You must have an HMS card to register a user account in the course portal.
You order the HMS card on in a new tab)
I’m asked to enter a company ID. What is that?
In some cases, you will be asked to provide your Company ID.
Watch the video for your current device.
I'm trying to create a new user account, but I can't go any further because it says that the national ID number is already in use. What should I do?
The course portal runs a duplicate check on national identification numbers, so that a person can only register one user account in the system. If there is already a user registered on the national identification number, this means that you already have a user.
You must therefore log in to your existing user with the registered e-mail address. If you do not know which e-mail address to log in with, please contact
I have not received an e-mail after registering a password for the first login. What should I do?
If you have not received an e-mail to activate your user, check these points:
- Your e-mail address has been entered correctly.
- A PC is used for registration.
- Check spam.
- That it doesn't get stuck in their e-mail filter.
Contact if none of the points above solve the problem.
How do I log in to the course portal?
- Once you have registered a user account and a password, you can log in to the system.(opens in a new tab)
- Username is your registered e-mail address.
See instructional videos for logging in on various devices.
I have forgotten the password. What should I do?
If you have already registered a password and been logged into the system, but no longer remember the password, go to the login page(opens in a new tab) , select
- "Log in"
- "Forgot your password?"
- Enter your registered e-mail address
If you have never logged into the system, you must first register a password. You should have received an e-mail with instructions on how to proceed.
If you have not received a reset e-mail, please check these points:
- Your e-mail address has been entered correctly.
- A PC is used for registration.
- Check spam.
- That it is not stuck in their e-mail filter.
If you still have not received this e-mail, please contact
I don't remember the e-mail address. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your username / e-mail address for the course portal, send the following information:
- Your full name
- Possible e-mail addresses
- Date of birth (NOTE: NOT social security number)
I have changed my e-mail address and employer. What should I do?
- If you have received a new e-mail address and a new employer, you will still be able to log into the course portal with your previous e-mail address as long as you remember the password.
- If you do not remember your password, but have access to your previous e-mail address, we recommend that you use "Forgot your password? » and get sent a new password.
- In the event that you do not remember your password and do not have access to your previous e-mail address, contact to have it clarified.
Remember to change your user information by going to the " D in account" field when you are logged in.
Changes/updates after successful login
I have a new e-mail address and/or are a new employer and need to change other information. How do I update the information?
- Log in with your e-mail address and password.
- Click on "Update employer" in the field at the bottom right called "Your account".
- If you do not find your new employer on the list, your employer must establish a customer relationship with Bane NOR. Get in touch with
- Optional: if your new employer wants to use internal invoicing information, this must be entered in the "Reference number for invoicing" field.
- NB! If your registered e-mail address is from your previous employer, this must also be updated (under "Basic information" on the left of the picture)
- Finish by clicking on " Update " at the bottom right.
I want to change my password. What should I do?
- Log in with your e-mail address and password
- Click "Change password" in the field at the bottom right called "Your account"
- Finish by clicking "Update" at the bottom right
I want to change the user type from one to another (Free course, Full course catalogue, Training for drivers) . How do I do that?
- If you want to change your user account (from e.g., "Free e-learning" to "Full course catalogue"), you can do it yourself in the system after you are logged in.
- Log in with your e-mail address and password
- Click "Update user account" in the field at the bottom right called "Your account"
- Your current user type is highlighted in blue and is located at the top of the page
- If you want to go from "Free course" to "Full course catalogue", click on "Full course catalogue" and fill in the necessary information fields
- If you want to change from "Full course catalogue" to " Training for drivers ", click on " Training for drivers " and fill in the necessary information about drivers
- Finish by clicking "Update" at the bottom right
Every two years you get a new HMS card, and then the new HMS card number must be updated in the portal, and it's your own responsibility to change this.
This is how you change this:
- Log into the course portal
- Select "My profile"
- Go to "Personal information" and press the "pencil"
- Go to field for HMS card number
- Register your HMS card number
- Save
Help and support with courses and training courses
Safety course - Part 2 Danger blind:
Course organizer: Munio Market
Note that completed and passed courses will not be included in your learning history in Bane NOR's course portal, so you must take out your course certificate after completing the course in the system and bring this with you when working on site.
Munio Support
Are you experiencing problems with logging in?
Contact Munio support.
How do I find the course I want to take?
- Search - from the start page there is a search field where it says, "What do you want to LEARN today?". In this search field you can enter the course you are looking for. As you write, suggestions will come up based on what you have written continuously
- Browse all courses - from the home page there is a link directly below the search field called "Browse all courses". When you click on the link, you will enter the course catalogue. Here it is a button called "All categories" where you can go further in and find courses sorted by subject areas.
- Check whether you are registered with the correct user type. Certain courses have an associated cost and will therefore not be visible to Free users. Change the user type to "Full course catalogue" and see if you can find the course you need.
- If you have questions about one or more courses in the course portal, we recommend that you read the course description thoroughly. Here you will usually find all the necessary information such as agenda, times and contact information. If this does not answer your question, contact
I can't find a set date for the course I want to take. What should I do?
- The course calendar is being continuously updated, and courses that have had a date/place set will always be reflected in the course calendar
- If no future date/place has been set for the course you wish to take, you can request a new date by clicking on "Request new course unit"
- For other course-related inquiries, please contact
The course I want to take is fully booked. What should I do?
- The number of available places for a course will always be shown in the course calendar
- If the course is fully booked, it is possible to put yourself on the waiting list. You will then automatically be allocated a place if there are vacancies, and will be notified if you are registered for the course.
What is the difference between a "training course" and a "classroom course"?
- A training course is all you have to go through to get your training approved. This means that a training course can, for example, contain a classroom course, e-learning, written exam, practical exam, practice etc. It is the training course that you must register for in order to complete the entire course/training.
- Some of our courses have a time limit on validity, and therefore these are part of a training course in the system. This means that you will receive notifications when the course is about to expire so that you can plan for repeat training.
- When you are assigned to a training course, your training plan will automatically show everything you have to go through to get the training course approved.
- Note! Even if you are assigned to a training course that includes a classroom course, you must still register for a specific date/location for the classroom course.
- A classroom course has a set date/place, instructor, and will normally require physical attendance. In the course calendar, you can see available places on each individual course that is listed.
I have completed a course but cannot find the course certificate. Where do I find it?
- You can find your course certificate by going to the field called "History". Click on "Show all" to get an overview of all courses that have been completed on your user. Under the column "Action" there will be a printer icon that you can press. This will take you to your course certificate.
I can't find an answer to what I'm wondering - where do I turn?
- If you cannot find an answer to your question, you can contact